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 新浪官方微博:  北京蜂房舞汇国际艺术



简      介:








.在踢踏舞方面:朱海峰先生是中国踢踏舞界国际权威专家被世界踢踏舞王迈克·弗莱利Michael Flatley选为中国第一代踢踏舞王同时朱海峰教授是北京舞蹈学院特聘专家、北京航空航天大学飞行员踢踏舞团艺术总监、北京现代音乐学院国际踢踏舞主任、美国IAA国际艺术认证协会中方首席艺术代表。中国第一个赴美国世界国际节奏协RHYTHM WORLD交流的职业踢踏舞教师, 是中国第一个获英国皇家舞蹈家协会踢踏舞ISTD协会邀请并获证的职业TAP DANCE教师. 曾应邀作为CCTV《舞蹈世界》“全国踢踏舞风云榜”总决赛评委;曾参加CCTV“大河之舞与舞王共舞”全国pk赛获第一名,应邀参加并组织爱尔兰舞蹈团大河之舞中国多所高校的“中外踢踏舞王携手高雅艺术进校园”活动;长期担任“全国踢踏舞教师班”授证教师;作为舞蹈编导协助拍摄中国第一部踢踏舞题材影片<<舞动少年时>>获电影百合奖提名;多次出任中央电视台CCTV北京卫视、东方卫视、湖南卫视、湖北卫视、旅游卫视、安徽卫视等各省电视台表演嘉宾、艺术总监、舞蹈编导,协助举办了众多综艺节目及大型综艺晚会是活跃于国内台前幕后集编、导、演于一身的青年舞蹈表演家、舞蹈教育家。



   音乐剧方面:北京舞蹈学院特聘专家、北京现代音乐学院、天津体育学院运动与文化艺术学院音乐剧研究中心国际踢踏舞主任央视CCTV3百老汇音乐剧《42ND STREET 42街》专场执行导演;北京市国际艺术学校原创音乐剧《文娜.在树上》担任编导;担任中国杂技团原创杂技音乐剧《再见,飞碟》舞蹈指导;参演并担任第二届中国音乐剧发展国际论坛暨第五届中国音乐剧教学与创作研讨会大型音乐剧盛宴——《穿越百年》编导;担任百老汇音乐剧《HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING一步登天》中文版舞蹈指导;


在爵士舞、现代舞方面:朱海峰先生是中国艺术教育学会爵士舞教师,香港爵士舞蹈学会、艺术团北京大师班优秀教师. 曾深造于英国皇家舞蹈家协会ISTD爵士舞大师班。




此外朱海峰先生还常年应邀为中石油、中海油、中石化、北京航天航空大学、中国杂技团、中国粮油集团、中国烟草总局、中国外交部、北京市公安局、北京市教委、石景山法院、通州区教委、通州邮电、通州卫生局、建国饭店、北方工业大厦、全聚德烤鸭、交通银行 、工商银行、农业银行、北京印钞厂、神州数码、再保险大厦、中国电科院、保利剧院、中国人寿、中国电科国际、中电投核电等各大单位创编作品,频频获奖深受好评。










6 原创作品《抗与衡》应邀赴美国芝加哥在第20届世界节奏节并代表中国大陆原创舞蹈作品再次在美国的舞台上亮相,并受驻芝加哥大使亲切接见。



10原创作品《天之骄子》入选央视CCTV1 2013年五四青年节全球直播晚会。

11原创身体节奏作品《展翅飞翔》入选央视CCTV1 2014年五四青年节全球直播晚会。





Zhu Haifeng (Dennis)

Tapper, Associate Professor


Zhu Haifeng, a graduate from Nanjing Normal University and a long-term         senior professional tapper, is the Dean of Tap Dance Department, International Dancing School, Beijing Contemporary Music Academy. He has studied in a series of training programs operated by the troupes like Irish “Soul of the Dance”, Riverdance, Jazz Master’s Class of ISTD of Federation of British Royal Dancers and so on. He is the first Chinese tap dance instructor certified by Tap Dance ISTD Federation of the British Royal Dancers. He won the first place in the competition of “Dance With the King of River Dance” hosted by CCTV. In the field of jazz dance and modern dance, Haifeng teaches jazz dance at the Chinese Art Education Institute and Beijing Performance Troupe of Hongkong Jazz Dance Institute. In the field of International style of ballroom dancing, Haifeng is a member as well as a teacher of advanced course of China Ballroom Dance Federation and the vice chair of China Federation of Dancesport. He has organized many National Latin Dance Camps and his students have made great marks in a series of Childrens ballroom dancing test and races.


Haifeng is invited as member of the judge panel for the “Finals of Yr’09 China’s National Tap Race” run by CCTV-III. He is also invited to be the judge, choreographer, art supervisor at different level of provincial and national TV shows and competitions, assisting in many high level shows and performances.


Haifeng also choreographs all year around for many organizations, such as, to name a few and they are Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Acrobatics Troupe, China Naitional Oil and Food Im/Ex Corporation, China Administration of Tobacco Industry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing of Public Security Bureau, Beijing Education Commission, Jianguo Hotel, Bank of Communications etc etc. He is highly spoken of for his work of this type.  


Works and Major achievement –


Named Tap King of China by Michael Flatly, the founder of “River Dance”

Dark Charm / Drum Dance – First Place, the First National Tap Dance Competition

“Balance”, “Opusl Wow”-- Best Performer, “Dance World”run by CCTV-III

Supervisor of Dance in “Dancing Youth” – a movie and the nominee of China Digital Movie Lily Flower Award

Choreographer and director of “Sound from Grassland”, the browne medal winner and the Best Teacher award in the “Colourful Youth”, the Dancing and Singing Competition hosted by the Propaganda Department of CPC Beijing Committee, Beijing Education Commission, Beijing Committee of Communist Youth and Beijing TV

Best Teacher Award in the Dance & Sing Competition

Outstanding Cultural Talent of Non-governmental System by recommended City of Beijing

Choreographed and performed “Triplet”, the first original Chinese choreographed tap dance in the 17th World Rhythm Festival in US

Choreographer of "Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow", the dance show in the closing ceremony of The Year of Friendship Exchange Between Youth of China and Japan in 2008

Choreographer of “ Charm of Ball”,  a show performed in Future Acrobatics Festival in France

Choreographer, director and performer of “Rhythm of Youth”, the tap dance performed in the closing ceremony of 26th Universiade in Shenzhen in 2011