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 新浪官方微博:  北京蜂房舞汇国际艺术

姓名:CV Gili Ben Ari

Gili世界第四代踢踏舞王 十七岁时开始学习踢踏舞;因为当时生活的以色列没有可以就教的老师,他只好从录像中模仿,凭借自己独特的训练方法,他三年之后便成为了大河之舞的一员。他相信将他自己的方法




Born in 1985, brought up in Israel, Gili has had a promising career as a professional basketball player. At the age of 17, a year before turning a professional player, he has been exposed to a video of the show Riverdance that has changed the course of his life. Gili started teaching himself dance by watching videos, aspiring to dance with Riverdance one day. Three years later Gili made his debut performance with Riverdance, being the first self taught dancer to ever join the show.


Today Gili is invited to perform and teach around the world with different groups and as an individual artist, as well as working on his own production.





Dance education:

2002-2005: Self taught.

October 2003: one month workshop "Inis Ealga" school, Dublin, Ireland.

2007-2008: "Salzburg International Ballet Academy", Salzburg, Austria.

2009: Flamenco school "Amor de dios", Madrid, Spain. Teachers: Jose Greco, Cristobal Reyes and Antonio Marquez.


Touring history:

2005: "Riverdance", European tour.

2006 – 2009: "Gaelforce Dance", world tour, soloist, role of Cuan.

2008: Salzburg ballet company, "Tchaikovsky", European tour.

2009: "Magic of the dance", European tour

2010: "Riverdance", Chinese tour.